Quid Pro Grow: Stay Calm

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stay Calm

An easy thing to say, most of Quid Pro Grow explains methods to stay calm while starting a business. Many people have ideas of how to run a business, yet may not be functionally aware of the complications and time it takes to start making money. The best ways to remain in control is to be realistic. In order to be realistic test the market, make a time line and maintain living a regular life in the meantime.

When starting as a Professional Blogger, the idea was awkward. People are dismissive when telling them. There is an entire web universe where people posts daily entries and information about their hobbies. The idea of getting paid seems odd. I even knew someone who paid for their website to post pictures and various information about their hobby. It was impressive. It was only about five pages in length, yet they had an authoritative stance, writing skill and knowledge about the subject to make it interesting to read. How could blogging be a real job?

Writing is a real job. It wasn't something that just happened. I've been writing poems and short stories since I was a teen. Competing every once in awhile, I send poems and short stories to magazines. It is awhile since doing that, blogging seems to be great method for writing for an audience.

My writing style is from years of writing essays and school presentations. I also went to a Writer's Conference. I felt awkward because were Authors tried to find Literary Agents. I didn't even have a complete novel, just an outline for maybe a book. However, the experience gave me an idea about the writing market and what people really want to read. Sometimes it was lame. I consider my writing to be similar to literature and avoid paint-by-number methods of establishing a story.

Testing the market was great. I tried a few small business ideas and rarely made any money. I worked full-time at an office. Two hundred dollars for a license that never made any money was just a sign that it would be a bad business venture.

As a Writer, I did not make that much money initially. Thinking about everything, I realized it would take a considerable amount of time and work to create a self-sustaining business. I think about writing for magazines. It would help promote my business and then think I should just stick to what I am already doing.

The time line was unappealing. In a couple weeks, I made a couple dollars. It may take years to replace the regular income from working at a regular office job. Luckily, my time line was realistic. If I kept my spending habits the same, it would be a financial disaster. Usually businesses follow a natural curve. It starts relatively small and remains the same for a long time. Through word-of-mouth, interest and building an audience, it slowly increases in volume of Customers and then earnings.

There is also a learning curve. It is important to keep reading tutorials, finding about current trends and making improvements to keep business going. It takes a lot of time. Eventually it pays off. The slow moving gain begins to double, triple or even quadruple within months. After a business starts doing this a small company can become large quickly. It is kind of like a child. They grow immediately then remain about the same and then grow again. After reaching maturity, remain about the same.

How long it takes to reach maturity and actually know how much money a person can logically make in their business is a long time? It does not happen immediately. It is years before making reasonable income. It is very difficult for many people going into business. I avoid counting future paychecks. While knowing my website is growing, I don't know how much it will grow. It could be enough to pay a few bills, supplement income, replace income or become wealthy. There are times when a Business Owner assumes a business license equals wealth. This is dangerous.

People who are successful in earning money from their small business or business opportunity can lose their minds. I remember a Salesman. They were successful. They sold products and actually made money. This was difficult. Every time they made money they spent more money to make more money. They thought if they looked wealthy; they would get better Client and better Clients would result in a lot of money and then they would pay everything off to live happily ever after.

What really happened was they started their business they never really broke even because they made part of their business new cars and nice suits. Their Spouse left them and everyone questioned if he was really doing that well. Another guy in a similar business promotes sensible spending and listens to their own advice. Nice clothes and economy car is good enough in relation to earnings. They got their own branch office.

It is important to think about spending time doing things. Some people might think it would be a great idea to socialize at coffee houses. We say, "I'm going to get my name out there by having more a physical presence in real life." I have heard people saying they went to a conference with a few copies of their book and they began to sell several books. Going to a formal, purposeful event is different than passing time hanging around, even a bookstore, talking to people casually about writing a book or blogging. Know when an activity is just entertainment. I would rather be safe and sane playing online games rather than going out in public taking chances.

Everything should be within reason. Talk to everyone involved. This includes Housemates and Family. It will be a lifestyle change. Find out if they support the idea. Do not start spending money you will not have for awhile or never have ever.

I maintain normalcy by doing chores around the house. I enjoy cooking and contributing to the household while waiting for things to pay off. I avoid unproductive or costly expenses. I figure out how to make necessities less expensive and that means sharing. A person cannot expect other people to help them out all the time without any form of compensation, like helping with various projects around the house or neighborhood.

Thinking about other people relieves anxiety in relation to worrying about yourself. Reasonable concern about how Housemates and Family feel is important. Make sure they feel important and that the activity of helping you for now is worthwhile with respect.

Enjoy when success happens and there are definite signs that it is getting better. It can be as simple as taking a day off or cooking an extra nice dinner. It does not have to be extravagant. Feel wealthy every day with good food and leisurely activities. Try to walk around and stay in shape. Find ways of passing the time without spending money. Despite what people think, even a poor person can feel wealthy by spending more time for personal grooming in the morning or evening.

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