Quid Pro Grow: Cost Effective verses Cheap

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cost Effective verses Cheap

There is a difference between being efficient and cheap. Several people focus on cost of goods and sales as the only measurement of quality. Quality relates to making a product or service something someone wants to purchase because it satisfies a need.

Several years ago, the international business community in comparison to the United States of American went up in price when the US Dollar went down in value. Several companies attempted to cutback product ingredients. With a different level quality several Consumers stopped buying product.

I remember candy bars. It is possible Candy Bar Makers went from the usual formula and bought more chocolate from Mexico. It was not awful, yet Mexican chocolate has a textural quality of raw sugar. I like Mexican chocolate; when I know what it is. It is not as tasty when expecting different flavor.

Businesses raised prices on food in restaurants and grocery stores. People adjusted to the price increase. There is less money to spend on food which is scary. However, those who realized quality is important stayed in business. Some businesses canceled some products. There is not enough demand. That is what happens sometimes.

Marketing is important to a business. Corporations spend millions of dollars on advertisements to ensure Consumers will buy their product at the store. It is amazing. Frequently, the larger businesses are keeping Existing Customers coming back while attracting New Customers.

I will use my experience advertising on the internet to explain when cutting costs is losing business.

There are two parts to advertising on the internet. There is the Advertiser and the Business Owner. The Advertiser is the person who supplies the display for Business Owner's advertisements. As a Vlogger and Blogger I am and Advertiser. I also have a vision and mission statement to assist in the betterment of Independent and Struggling Artists. How does this effect my blog?

The first issue is advertising for Business Owners. I need to showcase my blog in a professional mannerism. I write my own blogs and design my website. I want to feature advertisement in a respectful mannerism, so there is interest in their product or service, while Consumers read my product.

I do not want to pay for advertising my blog, because my blog is the advertising front. It is important to utilize available advertising tools through Google, Blogger and informational sites to attract views to the site honestly and within the community guidelines. This means avoiding telling people to click on advertisements, bribes so people will click on advertisements or falsely advertise my site.

There is a right way of approaching these guidelines. It is fine to ask people to critique a website and belong to social networks with similar interests. Never falsely represent a website; however, an Advertiser is only responsible for the display of advertisements, not the content. Each Business Owner must decide how they want to present themselves to the public. Misrepresentation makes people angry. I know people are imperfect. I am imperfect. It is possible to think products or services do more than what is applicable. Statements should describe the products and services.

There is a rule about having three Google ads. I have more advertisements than this and only three are for Google. Two Google ad boxes and one search engine. The rest are for other websites that want to promote Independent and Struggling Artists. There are advertisements for Amazon and Cafe Press.

I belong to both and sell products through both companies. I also belong to Create Space, You Tube and Gothic Net. (I don't like the SQL spelling of titles in documents. It is fine for naming files.) Their ads are not as present on my website at this time. I am also looking around to find an International company that assists Artists in getting creative thoughts and expressions heard by the world. (I am a definite Supporter of Free Speech.)

Notice how advertising space is given to the businesses who help me succeed so they will succeed. I could be selfish and only provide a link to my products. Even without a desire to assist the art community, they help Independent Artists like myself. I want them to stay in business. If people do not like my stuff, maybe they will like the items being sold by Popular Artists.

Since I have made these connections with businesses; my site also functions as an online boutique. Now I am the Business Owner looking to advertise. How would I advertise my local shop?

I like to think of myself at a boutique downtown figuring out a business plan. My favorite reference is delivering fliers. If I hired someone to deliver fliers, standard pay would be a quarter a flier. When I first started it might by a nickel or a dime.

I give them 100 fliers, with a unique number on the back and pay them $25.00 for putting fliers on windshields and door nobs. If I never got any fliers with their number back when a Customer comes in they are fired. I would tell them to go to different neighborhood or redesign the fliers first; however, they might be delivering fliers to a dumpster in back.

The boutique features modern retro artwork on shirts and decorations, not furniture. Perhaps furniture is more popular in decorating, yet my fliers should advertise to who might be looking for modern retro artwork. It might not be what they are looking for, yet they know about another outlet.

Internet advertising is substantially better than fliers. Automated systems ensure it is on someone's doorstep. Someone has a chance to decide if they like my shirts, pillow, blog or books. It does not guarantee a sale, yet it is better than randomly placing a flier on a door nob.

How much would pay for this service as an Independent Artist? It is relative to how much I could earn. This means there is something to sell that generates more money than paying for advertising. If the advertisements are not generating sales, it might be debatable if sight advertising is worthwhile.

Sometimes people advertise to gain Customers and find out if anyone enjoys the product. With potential to grow, after growing I want to stay competitive by spending more money on advertisements to generate more Customers or maintain sales. After a business has Customers it is easier to make the advertising budget a percentage of earnings.

Identifying connections between everyone and everything, cost effectiveness can be noticeable. As the Advertiser I want to be paid for delivering fliers. As the Business Owner I want effective advertising of my business. As the Independent Artist I want Customers who enjoy my product and gain support for my artwork. It is also import to have a healthy art community.

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