Quid Pro Grow: Research Your Options

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Research Your Options

With several options in business options are presented as opportunities; however, it is only an opportunity when an individual makes money. The major question a person should ask is if they have control.

Owning and running successful business is challenging. The evaluation begins with individuals, proceeds to the market and ends with a business plan. A person must identify what important to them and how they envision themselves doing the most good. When a person is close to a situation, they are more likely to remain focused when problems arise. Imagine what you would do if you were a millionaire.

Everyone wants to buy a house, make money, purchase desirable goods and help their family. Under it all there is a drive to help society. The foundation of all business is to provide a product or service for the betterment of society. When someone recognizes a need this propels them to make money so they have resources to fulfill the ultimate goal. This is where a person's true drive and motivation stems.

Now it is time to start living in away that accomplishes the goal. Cut out the middleman. People can buy houses with a regular wages. People try out options only to lose money and their dreams are still unfulfilled. When an option fulfills all of the person's expectations is it easy to keep going and any work contributes to the goal.

Personal limitations affect options. An environmentalist may resent needing to commute long distances. Sales and communication are important so find out if you are comfortable on the phone, talking in person or through mail. The rising importance of computers is making e-mail and websites important. Test sales preferences by getting paid as a salesperson or representing a company on a commission basis. No matter what and option is remember time is valuable. Do not spend more than you can afford to work for anyone. Never go into your savings or retirement fund to try something.

Several options are free to test; however, require a few hundred dollars to get involved. The opportunity may be a sales gimmick. A person must buy the product in order to make a sale. If talking to people is uncomfortable buy what you would use. Often housewives excel at door-to-door sales when their husband supports the family. Even then constantly losing money can make a marriage suffer. Money constraints also make a person dishonest.

After identifying goals and personal constraints it is time to review the options. Every time someone makes money in an industry everyone tries to make a buck. Some succeed and others fail. Once upon a time a person bragged about making money selling t-shirt. Now it is difficult giving t-shirts away. An article pointed out how pizza was low cost with big profits. Now that there is a pizza place on every corner pizza places go out-of-business constantly. The industry has over supplied demand. This is called a barrier to entry.

This doesn't mean a person should give up on their dreams. If owning a pizza shop is your dream you probably have exclusive skills. This creates a niche and reputation creates a successful business. It is wonderful when a person makes a living doing what they love; however, owning a business does not guarantee a million dollars.

Develop a reputation by working in an associated field, joining groups or furthering education. If wanting to make t-shirts, work in a t-shirt shop. Share an idea with the boss. If the idea goes well, you have a good reputation. If the idea is awkward, learn from the experience. Discuss t-shirts with people in a group to develop contacts and become a member of the community. Everyone who gets ahead gave something away for free. Even when looking for a job their reputation gave them a shot. Business is the same. Give people time and thoughts so they feel comfortable with you as a person. Taking classes to become certified adds a level of prestige to the product. This isn't as necessary as sale skills in business, yet it stifles competitor banter attempting to undermine your product or service.

Currently most industries have a barrier to entry whether it is competition or cost. Anything around several years has many competitors. Anything based on invention has to go from a person's mind into a real life product or service. This involves a patent, research, engineering, design and prototype. If nothing else a manufacture has to take the blue prints, create a mold and crunch out a product. Now it is time to market and sell the product or service.

After testing all of these aspects creating a business plan is easy. One hundred t-shirts were purchased for x amount and sold for x amount. It cost x amount of hours and money leaving a profit of x amount. This paid x amount in bills. Now there is x amount to spend and complete the cycle again. The Small Business Association or any lending felicity expects a three to five year plan. It helps when graphs are based on actual facts from the first and second year. If needing a line of credit or a store front the rest becomes speculative. However, if you are in control outcomes will be positive.

A dedicated person will do anything to make their vision succeed. There are many peaks and lulls in business; therefore, make business your desire. The regrets are minimal when living the dream. Research can make the experience successful, as opposed to emotionally rewarding. The fewer questions better the results.

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