Quid Pro Grow: Accurate Promotion

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Accurate Promotion

The marketing world is filled with erroneous statements, such as: "shock people" and "sex sells." To a lesser extent, this could be true. However, it primarily represents tolerance levels of the majority.

If the shock is light or balanced with a spiritual message people find it provocative. The majority of people living in the United States live stable and religious lives. Even atheists develop morals exalting a healthy body and mind. Slight discrepancies are in relation to rigid foundation of ethos. No one ever gets too wild. Once in awhile, people are intrigued by people living harsh lives. This is because they want to learn how to be a better person through understanding another person's viewpoint. After the interest is gone, everyone is back to normal or becomes outraged by information threatening their happiness. Therefore, extreme shock shortens the lifespan of a business.

Sex is another ploy that destroys. Unless a business is offering pornography, associating a business to sex undermines the business until it disappears. Clubs fall victim to this method of advertising. They understand attractive women attract men with money. This statement is true; however, if a club defiles women's reputations by associating them with sex, attractive women stop going to the club. Sexual advertising also attracts degenerates who look for cheap and easy women. Men with money don't buy a round of drinks for slutty women. They think will put out for nothing.

A club might be famous for attractive girly-girls. However, club owners should defend against a sexual reputation or promote this ideal themselves. Attractive women remember being sexually harassed or worse. They will never return to the club. Women who are okay with sexuality start hanging around. Nice girls notice men don't know the difference so they never go to the club. Men with money devalue easy, slutty women. Degenerates try to get everything for free, sell drugs or use the location to promote their own sleaze. Paying customers stop going to the club until it shuts down.

Both situations increase business periodically. This is because regular customers slowly leave until completely replaced by new customers. Unless shock or porn is your business, this is a losing marketing schema. Never falsely advertise your product. There are other, sustainable ways of gaining attention and regular customers.

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