Quid Pro Grow: Snap Judgments

Monday, December 2, 2013

Snap Judgments

Is it realistic to judge a person within seconds? Though magazines and media are encouraging an acceptance of this "reality," judging a person within seconds or even minutes is insane. Visual information does not reveal class, education, motivation or ethics.

Some act as though they are scientists when judging everyone. There are few fields of work wherein appearance is important. Appearance is important in Public Speaking and Acting. With higher presser on production, Actors and Actresses work fourteen hour every day for an entire week. Cast and Crew are left with ten hours for basic maintenance and sleep. Directors have less sleep with sixteen hour days and it is important for everyone to contribute. This means remaining calm and alert with endurance in unique conditions.

Directors cast Actors and Actresses. After experience they understand a visual difference when casting roles, yet Lawyers have a totally different set of rules. Lawyers and several professions associate success to getting older, gaining weight and having a healthy glow. An Assistant must run around, check books and comb libraries to find information on a case. With computers the job is slightly easier, yet a person needs stamina.

A successful Lawyer might empathize with a spunky Assistant who looks like them when they were younger. After developing loyal customers and reputation an average day includes waking up early to file documents at the Court House. It takes much less effort to go to appointments. Signs of relaxation equal money and success. Importance and success becomes the image of a balding, stout man or woman.

What image are we trying to achieve? Everyone tries to achieve the image of Actors and Actresses though they do not want to be Actors or Actresses. Being thin, nimble and muscular is not important. The image of success or attractiveness in a chosen vocation is erroneous. This is most clear when reading statistics about attraction.

We now know breasts, bottoms and legs are attractive to men. The ideal image in each category has variety when men explain an individual preference. People made a popular image of large breasts. Several men think about long term relationships. Firmness is more important, because it means the woman healthy. Other men prefer smaller breasts because smaller might signify athleticism or intelligence. Some like fuller breasts on a larger woman because they look nurturing and capable of taking care of children.

This is the same with bottoms and legs. Popular image is a round firm bottom though some men prefer a flat bottom. Popular image is straight legs without cellulite. Some men prefer bowlegs or thick thighs on women. The statement is there, yet the image association is wrong.

Women are similar and claim there is no need for additional information on the faultiness of relying on appearance. Many women thought they were dating a guy with various types of personality and traits that meet an image of happy marriage. Though no study states it, I strongly feel as though women only want to date men who fulfill an image of an ideal partner. Even with this in mind not every women wants the same relationship.

Women evaluate men by money, personality and character. Everyone assumes a stereotypical typecast. A man does not have to have the most money to attract women. As a woman I know compatibility is important to me. Things like excessive money might be a turn off because the man has too much control. The idea of being a Trophy Wife is okay, yet not an ideal. I prefer men with an equivalent monetary and occupational lifestyle. While altering the assumption the topic relates to money.

Personality has an association to humor. Truthfully, personality means whatever a woman idealizes as compatible. Humor sometimes disturbs women so they prefer someone who says exactly what they are saying. Many women like a strong, silent type. Many women like men who are fussy because they might help with chores. Crying is awkward on a first date. It seems personal. A man might want to wait before showing feelings.

With this in mind character could mean anything. Find out what movies or books women enjoy.

Finding out all the statistics to be what someone else wants, realize changing might make a person less attractive. There are only so many people in the world looking for exactly the same thing. Acknowledge the second or minute is silly not discerning.

I know what I want. It took time and experience to develop a good understanding of what I want. I know some things to be true and other thing to not be true. This and that do not add up. Over thinking what other people think is a waste of time. Even if it is not a waste of time figure out what peers, coworkers and the people actually affecting your life think about appearance. People in your life are more important than the opinions of person living in a totally different city, vocation or reality. Misjudging a person might also cause unnecessary complications when placing unrealistic expectations on someone or underestimating someone.

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