Quid Pro Grow: Primed for Changes

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Primed for Changes

Diversifying products is essential in remaining ahead when customers are constantly influenced by trend. One day they want to better themselves with self help books. Next they want to improve their music collection. Then they want sexy t-shirts and then they want cute t-shirts. While some people remain interested in a product, most of society is in a constant rotation where masses of people want similar things at the same time. The trick is to be able to offer something for everyone at any time.

Department stores are preferred by several people. They can get what they want when they want it. People don't shop for the same items every time they enter the store. They may want clothes, shoes, beauty products or sporting equipment. Imagine opening day during baseball season. During the season, people are shopping for team shirts, baseballs, bats or mitts.

Specialized manufactures must also diversify product to gain favor with retailers. Imagine a fashion designer that only produced one dress every year. In order to make money their reputation and product would have to be fabulous. Instead, every season they create a wardrobe of clothing with many looks, separates, evening wear and accessories. Retailers purchase designs they believe their consumers will enjoy. After orders are placed the designer may sell half their designs to breakeven or gain a profit.

Textile mills must appeal to the designers. White, cotton t-shirts are great, yet they probably want a larger selection. Textile mills diversify their limited product by offering it in many textures, colors or patterns. Samples are taken from rolls of fabric. Often the best sellers one year are totally different the following year.

Web blogging is similar. Being able to track the success of each site on its own, during fall and winter, when school is in session, people prefer reading poetry and books. People went to try out new hobbies and interests during the summer. The most popular site one month is barely visited next month. With a diversified product, at least one site draws positive attention.

Integrity is important. A company specializing in rude bumper stickers offends clients with flowery shirts. Yet, flower shirts create new options. These are decisions about quality related to their vision statement. Maybe a magazine or study found flowery shirts are selling by the tons; however, the company would have to launch a new marketing campaign appealing to flower loving people. In the meantime, their existing customers no longer respect the brand name; ergo, they lose all their business.

Would you go to a restaurant every week for the rest of your life that only serves the best cream of broccoli soup in the world? One item menus don't exist for a reason.

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