Quid Pro Grow: Any Goal to Get Anywhere

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Any Goal to Get Anywhere

Why should anyone imagine what it would be like if they were already established in life? There are a couple reasons. On an issue like money, if they imagine life with the money they need they start thinking about why they need money and then align activities and goals. Another reason is unrealistic goals motivate people to succeed.

When young, critics might be a negative force. There are so many agendas to consider. People do not always act with the best methods or intentions. The dream of being a millionaire or owning a hydrogen powered car is what motivates people to address challenges so they eventually have anything.

People might employ methods of solidarity and personal strength to get through endless work days and challenges. Perseverance is effective. Sometimes time constraints work against a person; however, they know as long as they keep going everything will be better. Not knowing how it will unfold equals everything is higher than expectations.

Another approach is having extremely high goals. Goals so high people doubt success, yet taking steps to achieve the goal enables a person to achieve more. Perhaps the goal was millionaire; however, they were able to pay their mortgage and have plenty of spendable income for retirement. Perhaps they did not achieve the goal, yet were able secure an above average lifestyle.

People wonder what the difference between winners and losers is. Reviewing information in autobiographies, biographies, advice from successful people and information about people who were not successful, the difference is realistically accessing resources, skills and finding a successful method to address challenges.

Basically successful people reach a barrier and figure out how to go around or go through problems. Often they apply both methods. Going around involves finding arenas that are already open to them. In other words, they find friends who believe in them when there is competition or resistance. Going through involves accepting the challenge and breaking down the barrier.

How is this observable in real life? When looking for a deal on a car and only having so much money they shop around until finding a dealership who is offering the right price and willing work with a customer's credit. A person might experience several closed doors before one opens. They find an option available today while working towards a better car in the future.

The other approach involves finding data to figure out how to get the car they want in the condition they want as soon as possible. This might involve going back to work a few months, saving more money out of each paycheck or waiting a few months until the sale season begins. They utilize determination to break down the wall in order to achieve the goal within a year, over taking an obstacle; instead of, waiting a few years.

People who are less successful give up. Pressure and insults create a mental barriers and challenges. They are fine with what they already have. They look for a deal and allow anger to control actions. Unable to afford the car they decide the car is out-of-reach and resent the automotive industry. They do not save money or attempt to buy another car. Their existing car needs constant repairs and that is fine. When the car breaks down they will walk. They are determined to remain stagnant to validate a point concerning evils of the world, by showing everyone how unfair standards are!

This might work eventually; however, I hope they make realization before everything gets too awful and start working towards goals again. They do not have to admit to anything; just begin saving money or waiting for sales. Engaging in this philosophy often produces more personal damage than anything else. It is better to keep working towards goals to make progress.

Maybe someone else's goals seem unrealistic. Maybe it seems impossible. Trying to open so many doors is a great experience. Perhaps they do not become famous and achieve reasonable income, yet it is reasonable income. Because they tried they achieved the majority of everything they desired. While attempting to blame receives sympathy, there are options when willing to pursue them.

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