Quid Pro Grow: Calm within Adversity

Friday, May 27, 2011

Calm within Adversity

Briefly discussing a balance between accomplishment and competition between various levels of internal and external groups, there are ongoing issues any business owner, entrepreneur and politicians must consider. If unable to cope with criticism, lack of interest, competition or enemies do not go into business.

Most people are familiar with criticism. Lack of interest is essentially neutrality. While several people are prepared for criticism, lack of interest can be infuriating, yet they are neutral; therefore, they could be future customers and supporters. They are not attempting to cause problems or damage reputations.

Competition is a part of daily life in business. There will always be someone claiming, "I can do it better!" Direct competition occurs rarely, especially in niche markets, yet businesses study each other to remain competitive and there are times when businesses compete for large contracts. Developing a good product is measurable through a consumer base. It is also possible to exceed expectation through skill. In these contests not everyone wins, yet it is vital to remain current and be their best. If unable to win, it is important to retain customers and supports for later ventures, because business is also about building something important.

Think about a regular competition. It is great to win; however, it is not won in one battle. The winner might become complacent, yet the contest was only a step in a life plan. Competitors proved worth. They already spent years developing connections to gain the greater purpose of working as a professional in a chosen career. Many with a runner-up position feel greater determination to win. This is not developed through who won or lost. It is developed through personal goals, interests and abilities. Even the winner might lose interest after winning.

Fair sportsmanship is extremely important, yet it is not for assumed reasons. Maintaining good relationships between competitors or remaining friendly assists in future opportunities is wonderful. Though it is important to strengthen bonds with the strongest players to continue winning, this is a luxury not a necessity. The real reason for fair sportsmanship is to retain customers and supporters. "No one likes a sore loser." Many people relate to losers. Graciousness is crucial in securing loyal consumers when enemies appear. Enemies are people who judge a company or person regardless of treatment, new information or any circumstance. They vow to make other people miserable.

Life is a constant teacher. Becoming an issue on the internet, some people decided to target a forum and all of its members. The forum was upset. Receiving a message, I had noticed people without avatars and hardly information were logging in and being rude. It could be enemies targeting member on other sites, yet most viewers only want to watch and post comments; therefore, there is no reason to supply personal information. Several people enjoy relaxing while flaming people on the internet. It is entertainment. Yet it is possible people were trying to harm them. My indifference towards the issue was unappreciated; however, that is no reason to harass me either. I imagine supporters left as people lashed out at everyone.

My indifference relates to understanding this situation. People make quick accounts and say rude things to people. Becoming upset increases activity, because it becomes more entertaining watching people act oddly over criticism. The issue was pointless. In fact, someone sent me a message and then I received a message from someone with one letter changed in the name. I suppose this should scare me. I cannot tell if it was originally a malicious act. Yet it was clear the issue was escalating. Overreacting would encourage a potential enemy, because they think they control my life. They do not. There are methods of coping with enemies without being abrasive to potential friends. Simply allowing time to reveal who is and who is not a friend is enough.

Overtime I thought about the issue and found methods of addressing enemies without being rude. Aimlessly flaming or antagonizing people also damages relationships with customers and supporters. I can remain a nice person. It is who I am. A part of this is empathy. While normally leaving nice or no comment, it is nice to give honest criticism occasionally (especially when someone seem to encourage criticism). I understand criticism with empathy and humor.

It is impossible to be the height of everything. If people do not enjoy my product they will harass someone who will overreact. It is possible a mastermind targeted the forum. I do not have to take the bait. Perhaps this activity is not funny, yet I've gained a few friends with a similar sense-of-humor. Frequently a person's worst enemy is themselves.

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