Quid Pro Grow: Factoring Competition

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Factoring Competition

Whether a person is setting benchmarks or protecting their reputation competition is an ever present force in business. Remaining competitive does not always entail negative ad campaigns or underhanded deals.

Benchmarking is the number way companies remain competitive. It is an artful study of a successful company methods and guideline of goals and strategies. People of similar vocations study successful people to gain ideas. As a blogger, it is important to read other blogs, study content and compare my sites. Similar to how a child receives acclaim for ordering their own food, most adults take this skill for granted. Adults have a wider array of skills and therefore higher expectations. Skills may include advance language, math, computer literacy, work history and independence. As a person grows, societal and age appropriateness becomes important to staying relevant.

The United States has laws to protect against monopolies. Therefore, any intellectual property related to a business method is not protected. A company may hide their internal structure and successful businesses are constantly in the spotlight. Competitors try to glean information through educational courses and mandatory stock information to gain a competitive edge. The only way a company protects themselves is through secrecy.

Slander and spinning are constants in the business environment. Slander involves casual commentary about competitors. These statements are issued as facts. This is a part of propaganda. The principle of rhetoric revolves around making direct statements that are not clarified through the relation of an individual's opinion.

Slander can harm a company or business. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate action to support contrary statements. Similar to a person who is called a slut, the only way to destroy the slander is by not having sexual intercourse. The action solidifies a lack of promiscuity.

Spinning does not negate slander as much as increase information to gain support. Disney was accused of enslaving Mexicans several years ago. A human rights group forced Disney out of Mexico because employees were making barely enough for food, shelter, clothes and retirement. This issue was spun back to the activists. Several people in the United States work full time without any guarantee of food, shelter, clothes and retirement. Therefore, while accusing Disney of slavery, they expect U.S. citizens to live at a level below slavery. Spinning does not always revolve around pointing out logical flaws or subsequent double standard; however, it is a worthwhile method.

Competition is a macro and micro event within a community. People compete within countries and companies as well as in offices and amongst friends. A key point of marketing states a commercial should never allude to competition. One reason is because it advertises the other brand. The other reason is because it sets them up to get spun; therefore, harms reputation.

The best way to protect against competition is to benchmark and work towards a higher level of quality. However, this does not protect against jealousy or people using negativity as a shortcut. Even companies at the top of their field must protect status.

Besides benchmarking, networks and alliances create stability. When someone feels they can be harmed or face consequences based on actions they reconsider actions. Referring back to the slut in question and label them a Goth. They are hanging out with a Punk who is not interested. The pursuer tries to seduce them because they are already benefiting from the slut reputation. Another Goth interferes by ending the conversation quickly because they do not want Goths to be labeled as sluts.

There is an established amount of respect within the same community, because they will see them later. They are not easily cast out and placed in another camp. However, people enjoy seeing competitors suffer and the activity is dismissed. One way to handle this situation is to establish the group as living at a higher standard that does not participate in suffering inside or outside of the community. If they live up to this standard they are free to shame others. However, any mistakes make the tactic faulty.

Often the only way to inhibit an aggressive competitor is through a strong defense. Alienating competitors is effective. Competitors acknowledge consequences after being separated from a group. However, this means a person or group must have the ability to stand alone or find a replacement. A hostile supplier forces a company to find another supplier in order to produce their product. In addition, a preexisting relationship must exist before a competing company considers it a loss or gain. Therefore, always consider how actions affect unknown people or entities. Negative or abusive activities eliminate future opportunities and disable negotiations. There is always a level of give and take between relationships; therefore, people walk away if contractual agreements are contrary to goals.

Business people are often extraverts driven by admiration, kudos and attention while struggling to make people's lives better. Acknowledging the competition is important; however, negative impacts to a reputation can end in loneliness and dismissal from the spotlight. Often initial attention is exhilarating; however, people want solutions not drama.

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